Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

Every year at school, they have a halloween parade and the kids get to walk around the gym and then the entire school to show off their costumes.  The office staff and the Janitors love to get into participate and I just have a couple pictures of the great event.

From right to left:  Lauri-Little Red Riding Hood, Terry (Head Custodian)-The Big Bad Wolf, Laura (Secretary)-Baby Bear, Ms. Huff (Principle)-Goldy Locks, Tina (Head Seceretary)-Poppa Bear, Tamera (Secretary)-Momma Bear
In Front: Punky (Tina's Granddaughter)-Goldy Locks and the Three Bears

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Hairstyle

It has been way too long, since I wrote last, but in my defense, I did say you might miss me for a while because of school and work.  I have been very busy, but it seems like I am just very happy these days.  I don't have a lot of stress because I like what I do each day.  I have been busy with work like normal, but school is going great and I am already over half way done with my second semester.  Only 3 and a half more semesters to go.  WAHOO!!!  The purpose of this post is not actually to tell you that I am alive still, but really because I made a dramatic change to my hairstyle.  I thought this would NEVER happen again because of a childhood nightmare, but some people at work told me I should do it and I finally decided that it would be okay.  I am posting about it because my friend's dad really wanted to see it and told me to blog about it.  So here you go dad #2.  :)

This is my hair when I actually wash it, blow dry it, straighten it, and then flip it out, either with the straightener or my curling iron.  I like it best this way.  I got my school (work) pictures done this way and they actually turned out really cute.  This is the way I do it most days, unless I do nothing.

This is my hair when I just wash it, put a little Gel in it and then blow dry it with my diffuser.  I don't like it as much as straight, but it is fast and easy.

I told the lady, I need something different.  Something I can do straight or curly, but also be able to put it in a pony tail if I want.  She asked me how long, and I told her to start cutting it off at the shoulders and then chop away for some layers, then she thinned it out a lot which is wonderful.  I really do love it.  I am glad I have great friends that tell me what makes me look good.  

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Here I am!

Blogging in my free time, what is this?  Don't get too confused, just because I am blogging doesn't mean I have free time, it just means I am still alive. :)  I have been so busy it seems since about May 26th.  The week before that I was in Nauvoo with my parents and had a lot of fun.  I was able to go to the Temple and do some family names, from baptisms to sealings.  What a blessing!  Then on May 26th, I started Massage Therapy school part-time at night.  so I have been working during the day and going to school at night.  My classes are Monday thru Thursday, 7 to 10:30pm so I don't get much time for anything else.  Luckily, I like my job, for the most part. 

I got my very own massage table, but I haven't even used it yet.  I told my roommate I would give her a massage this weekend.  I absolutely love school.  I was really worried about anatomy, but it turns out it is my favorite class, however, I like most of my classes.  I am almost done with the first semester, so a lot of homework is getting handed out which doesn't give me a lot of time for anything else.  I was really trying to get out there with the activities in my ward, but since most of them are at night during the week, I can't really make it. 

I have made a goal to have 100% attendance at school, so there are no excuses why I don't learn the material.  I also want to get a 4.000 GPA, so we will just have to see how that goes for me as time moves on.  This is a 1 year program, so I should stop being busy at the end of May 2010.  I hope you all don't miss me until then.

Last week, I was able to go to Billings, Montana and see my sister, Brother-in-law, Niece, and Nephew all sealed together.  What a wonderful experience that was, and of course I cried like a baby.  Hey, What else did you expect from me. :)  Then the next day was the 4th, which was awesome, I spent it with all my cousins in Wyoming.  The only thing that was missing was tubing with the Bators.  Then I had to come back to reality for work and I have never been so mad at the alarm than I have this week.  I don't really have any right to complain, because I know other people get up like this everyday, but dang, I am tired!!!  I can't wait until I can sleep in before I have to go to work.  Only two more weeks.  Wahoo!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Just call me Alexios

It all started last year when a boy in Ms. Bator's class asked if my name was Valencia.  We had the class convinced that I was Valencia, until this year when I became the Janitor.  They saw me sign the bathroom checklist as Lauri and discovered my real name.  Well it has come time to be called my "Real" name once again.  Ms. Bator a.k.a. Tawnya was supposed to have a student named Alexios, so we decided to tell her whole class that I have decided to go by my real name, Alexios, instead of my nickname, Lauri.  At first they all laughed, which hurt my feelings, but then they were all convinced.  My "real" name is now spreading around the school as they call out for Alexios to come clean-up or fix different things.  I was even called for a "Caught doing good" today by me "real" name, Alexios Spitzenberger.  I am going to keep the name until I have everyone calling me by it, even if it takes the entire time I work here. :)

I also want to say HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY, MOM!!!  I cannot believe how fast time flies.  I have only know you for 25 years, but they have flown by.  I can't wait to spend the next 25 years of my life flying with you!  I love you and I will see you soon!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Idol/Getting out there!"

You are reading about the next "American Idol"!! Okay well not really, actually I am just the "West Jordan/Jordan Hills Idol" You see, there is this girl at school that teaches fourth grade, her name is Tiffany. She really wants to be BFF's with Tawnya and I, but we are working up to that part. So two Saturdays ago, we hung out together which made us "F's", a.k.a. Friends, but then she invited us to a Karaoke party on Friday where I was crowned the "Idol" of the night. It was so much fun, so needless to say, we are now "BF's" with Tiffany.

On Saturday I went to a movie night at friends house. He is from my ward and we watched "Ghostbusters". Apparently there is more than one because we watched the first one and I only knew about the second one. Anyway, it was pretty fun because the girl to guy ratio was great. there were three of us girls and eight guys. One girl and one guy were a couple, but it was fun just to sit and talk to everyone after the movie. We totally talked about the awkward moments at the end of dates and what guys and girls mean when they end the date. From guys, a hand shake is obviously a "no chance at a second date". Apparently, it is the girls responsibility to hug the guy if she is interested in another date, and never go 100% on a kiss, it is always 90/10, but you can decide who does which part.

The guys are going shooting this Saturday and invited all three of us girls to go with them. I think it could be fun, so I will probably go with them.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Better Me!

I was talking to my mom the other day, when she told me she read my blog and was sad for me and my sad life. I decided I should probably write again since I am not sad (anymore) and am actually very happy. Two weeks ago I found out I did not get into any grad schools I applied to. It was the BEST news I had gotten in a long time. I realized I never wanted to be a school psychologist. I was doing it because I thought that is what I was supposed to do, or because I thought that is what others thought I should do. Since I have made the theme of this year "All About ME!" I was glad one decision was easy for me. I can't go to grad school cause I didn't get in. :)
I called my parents and said I have some great news, and that was that I didn't get into grad school. Wahoo! My dad was a bit confused as to why, but I know why, I am not supposed to go. It has changed my outlook on life a ton and it is totally looking up! I have a new apartment, my own room, another roommate, and one more thing I am looking into, but not sure about yet, so I will blog about that later. What a blast!
Yesterday, Tawnya and I watched the first session of General Conference and then met Jessica at the library to do our taxes. (not a good year for me!) Then we watched the second session. We realized we had no big plans for the evening, so we went to Lifetime and worked out. We ran for a half hour and then went and relaxed in the pool and hot tub. It was the most relaxing time I've had in a while. Last we watched Felicity (an old TV show, Tawnya has on DVD), but mostly I watched and Tawnya slept. It was a pretty great day!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A New Month

I can't believe it has almost been a month since I last blogged. Lately I have been feeling like my life isn't worth talking about. I have been feeling like it really doesn't matter what I do, where I go, or when I do it. These thoughts have been leaving me feeling empty inside all the time. Having the background I do, leads me to believe that marriage and/or education, (mostly marriage), are the only things that make your life complete and worth while. I know this is not the case, but the pressure of making others happy, which is a huge, either weakness or blessing I have. (I can't seem to find a happy medium which makes it a weakness for me). There are only about four people in my life that I really care about their opinions, even though I like to make everyone happy, which may make me happy, but in the long run it is not what I want. This has been a struggle for me for a long time, and it has made it so it is hard for me to know what I really want.

Another thing that I struggle with, is doing something I will actually be good at because I am worried that someone will take offense that I am good at what I do. However, I was watching a movie last week named Coach Carter, and in it he kept repeating to one of the players, "What is your deepest fear?" Well the quote from that movie, I think, describes how I feel.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our dark that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people don't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. Its not just in some of us; its in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
This has brought a lot of thought to my mind on this subject and I realize I need to be less prideful and just work on my happiness. I need to stop thinking the world is always looking at me and what I am doing, but focus on what I am doing and be happy.
I need to stop worrying about everyone's opinions and the other four people's opinions I need to take them for what they are worth and focus on what my Heavenly Father wants for me and what makes me happy.

Now for the important stuff. I know I am a child of God! I was put on this earth at this time to shine and help others shine too. I love my family, extended family, and my un-adopted family. They are the most important people in my life. I miss being around them, but I know I am supposed to be in Utah right now, cause I have received that confirmation many times. I like my job and who I work with and maybe I will find something better in the future but right now I am happy with it. (Even if I am only a janitor) :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I Dare You...

It turns out that I have a rebellious side that comes out at times when I don't want to be made out to be a chicken.  So far there are only two people in my life that can dare me to do something and I will do it, (always within my reason and not to change my standards).  However, it has come to my knowledge recently, that if I am told I would not do something, because they think they know my personality, I have to prove them wrong.  It has happened just this past week.  
It all started last Thursday when the mascot from the Utah hockey team came to our school to be with the kids at lunch time.  The Grizzlies P.R. guy came as well, and he was VERY attractive.  I told the office ladies to work their magic and get his name and number for me.  First off, when my boss, Terry, found out that I liked him, he walked up and said "there is a girl over there that would like to know if you are single"  Then Terry came over and said he was single and that got all the lunch ladies excited.  One said, "I am going to spill some ketchup on his butt so you have to clean him up".  Others said I needed to be seductive with my broom and mop.  That was not happening.  I basically ignored him out of embarrassment. Well, it turns out that the principal was very mad at how "high school" this was and jokingly wrote down his name and number that he had given her for any questions about tickets or games.  She told the secretary to give it to me when I got into the office.  When I got it, I asked if she really asked for it and she sternly said, "NO, THAT IS SO HIGH SCHOOL. HOW WOULD IT LOOK IF I SAID, UM, ONE OF MY EMPLOYEES HAS A CRUSH ON YOU, CAN I HAVE YOUR NUMBER FOR HER?"  She said, "you never would call him anyway."  I told her I would have, but she didn't believe me.  So there was the challenge.  
That night after work I googled him and found his email address.  I emailed him this; 
Hi Jerome, my name is Lauri.  I work at Jordan Hills where you just visited with Grizzbee.  I was the one who showed you where the lunchroom was.  Well here is my question...  Are you too busy to go out sometime?  Feel free to think I am weird or crazy.  The office secretaries told me I should call you, but I thought this would be less threatening to you because you could just delete this and never respond.  Just trying to make it easy for you to "Just say no"  :)  Well let me know what you think, or not.  Just a little bit about me, I am from Minnesota, born and raised.  I am 25 and single.  I went to BYU-Idaho and have a bachelors in psychology.  I am trying to get into grad school, if not, then massage therapy school.  There are six kids in my family and I am the third.  My brother, who is the oldest, is getting divorced and has 2 daughters. My sister, who is the youngest, is married and has a boy and a girl.  Have fun and I will hopefully talk to you later.  
Sorry if this scares you. :)

The next morning I had an email from him saying "Here is my personal cell number, give me a ring." I called him after work that day and we just talked for a little while.  I will let you know if anything else comes from this, but no worries, I am not expecting anything.  I just did it out of spite. :) By the way when my principal heard what I did and called him she said, but you don't even know him.  I told her that is what dating is for.  P.S. She is still single.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 Random Things

1. I am 25 and only been on one second date in my life and it happened last October.

2. I got my first kiss on that second date. Good Times!

3. I am the kind of person, where, if you tell me I won't do something, I will do it just to spite you. (Only if it doesn't go against everything that I believe in.)

4. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, otherwise known as a Mormon. Because of this, I have never smoked, drank alcohol, tea, or coffee. I served a mission for 19 months and was only able to talk to my family through letters and email on Mondays. Except for Christmas and Mother's day when I could call.

5. My family is the most important thing in my life, and they don't really understand that it kills me to see bad things happen to them for choices that they have made. I know we will be together forever, and that is what keeps me going. I love my parents, they make me laugh all the time. This is my moms talent. She is getting her teeth fixed and may kill me for this post but I love that she can just laugh at herself. We Love You MOM!!!

6. After I graduated from college, Tawnya Bator and I drove to Vegas and hung out for a week. It was the best time I have ever had on a road trip!

7. One time on a family vacation with the Bator family, I went skinny dipping, more than once. It was the most liberating thing I have ever done. They had floating toys in the lake, so while no one was watching I got up on the trampoline (naked) and jumped around then into the water. :)

8. I have a very weird memory. I can remember birthdays and addresses for most people I meet and get to know, but I recently found out that I have no Idea what happened in history. I was told that Lincoln was assassinated!!! Holy Crow, who knew. :) That was when the next hour or two of history lesson happened and I had no idea!

9. I have a hard time saying no, especially when it comes to family and money. Ever since I was old enough to drive and have a job, maybe even younger than that, my family has asked me for rides or money. It always seems like they really need it so I give it to them, which ends up with me being broke. Well my mom #2 told me that my new years resolution is "It is all about me!" SO this year I am being selfish and going to "JUST SAY NO!"

10. Three of my siblings are married or were married and I have only been to one of the weddings. My brother, John, got married 3 days after I left for my mission and my sister, Mandi, got married 4 months before I got home. They each have two kids and I love them all so much!!!! I love it when all they want to do is go see their auntie Lauri.

11. The summer after I graduated from high school, all four of my brothers got in a car accident in the same month. It started with Joey hitting four trees on the way to a cast party at the Tarmann's. Then Chris and Howard got pulled into the ditch on their way to work the next morning. Then Joey again and then John so when I went to college the next week, my dad called and said, no more accidents for one year.

12. I hardly ever go to the movie theater but I went and saw Twilight 6 times in a week and a half.

13. I was the first one in my family, including both my parents, to get a college degree. I have a BS in Pyschology with a minor in sociology. I have applied to grad school and am just waiting to see if I get in.

14. I realized the other day, that I am single still because I don't know who I really am. I like to make other people happy, so I will do whatever I can to do it, even if it is not what I want.

15. I was not a very cute little girl, except for my dimples. I was asked if I was a boy or a girl all the way until I was in 8th grade. Sad for my self esteem. With the help of some very good friends, I am discovering that I can be a cute girl. I just bought my first pair of Hooker boots last night. :)

16. I hate the phone. If you tell me to call you sometime, or ask me to call you back, chances are it won't happen. It has a little to do with the fear of rejection. Maybe they are too busy to talk, or we will run out of things to say, or I sound like a dork. Who knows, but I am sorry if I don't call you back.

17. I really love to leave my phone number at restaurants where I have an attractive waiter. One time when I left it at a Texas Road House, the waiter gave it to a different kid, named Robert, who started texting me. He was a senior in high school, so I figured I could go to jail. He was all for it, but I wasn't ready for that kind of commitment. That is the only time I have gotten a response, and I have done it MANY times!

18. I have a few nicknames. "Beast" is from track, "Clicker" is from Cross Country, "Spitz" is from anyone that doesn't want to or can't (for those on the mission with me) call me my first name and my last name is way to long, "Dolly Dimples" is what my grandma calls me, and "LJ" is only my dad (I don't like it from anyone else).

19. Ever since my senior year in high school, my knees like to swell up for no reason. I have had x-rays and MRI's on both of them and doctors still don't know what is wrong. One time my left knee got so big I could walk and they had to drain 120 ml of fluid out of it. Sick!

20. I love to work on cars! My dad taught me everything I know. He always likes to have someone outside with him working because we can go get tools he needs. I was always the lucky one. I told him that I get all his tools when he is too old to get use out of them. He doesn't totally see my vision yet. :)

21. I have never lived in Wyoming, but that is where my mom is from and I call it home, whenever I am there. I love visiting Lovell. The smell of the oil refineries when you are driving down to Lovell, helps me know I am almost there. I love it!

22. I love dimples! I found out that dimples are actually weaknesses in your facial muscles. My niece, Madysen, was born 2 months before I left on my mission and she has dimples just like me. We were the only two, until Logan came along. Well while on my mission, my companion, "Harward" a.k.a. Heather, and I walked past a guys with dimples and I said, (kind of loudly) "Did you see that guys weaknesses" It was hilarious! Good Times!

23. I did have a boyfirend in 8th grade, if you can really call it that. We didn't really do anything, but that is the year that I really changed. I have a lot of great stories, and most of them start with "One time in 8th Grade..." or "One time in Cross Country..." Those were life changing experiences!

24. I am right handed, but I have to wear my watch on my right wrist. It is kind of an obsessive thing. I have things on my left side. When I go to a restaurant and we sit in a booth, I have to have my left side to the isle, otherwise I am uncomfortable. Or if I am in a row of seats, I need to have people on both sides of me or just on the right side. I know, I am weird.

25. When I move to a new place I can usually fit all of my possessions in my little Honda civic. I recently bought a mattress which will make it impossible to fit in, but perhaps it will ride on top. I can make anything fit into a car. I am the tetris master!

Friday, January 23, 2009

To Wii or not to Wii?

Last Monday I was with some friends celebrating a birthday.  We went to Jump on It, which is a giant trampoline place.  We were told it opened at 10 am, so we got there right then so we would be the first one to get in.  Well the hours were different and didn't open until 2 on Mondays.  We decided to go out and try a new little bakery that Tawnya had heard about called, "Flour girls and Dough Boys".  It turned out to be a pretty good place.  Their Oatmeal Raisin and coconut cookies were delicious!  Then we went to Target.  When we got out of the car, there it was, in the hands of a 10 year old boy, a Wii Fit!  They have been sold out forever, and Jessica and I wanted to get one for Tawnya for her birthday but we couldn't find one anywhere.  Jessica, Tawnya, and I started running into the store.  My phone fell out of my pocket but Tawnya's roommate (Shauna), who was not running, yelled, "I'll get it", so that I didn't need to go back for it.  I later heard from Shauna that the people outside were laughing at us for being in such a hurry.  Well we got in side and went straight over to electronic and a very helpful man asked if he could help us find something and there it was, in all its glory, the WII FIT!   AHHHHHHH!  There happened to be three left but by the time we left the store, they were sold out.  What a blessing to not get into Jump On It, when we wanted.  We went home, started playing the wii and at 1:30 we left to go back to Jump on it.  It actually opened at 12, but the sign wasn't up early enough for us to see it.  We jumped for one hour and it was so much fun. I did get my leg smashed and my knee popped which gave me a bruise that hurt majorly, but it wasn't enough to keep me from having a blast.  
I jump back and forth from being 25 or 33 which is kind of interesting.  I recommend the wii fit to everyone.  You will love it!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Church is True

It all started back in... Okay this is not a history lesson, but it is a great story. While I was home on Christmas break, my younger brother, Howard got married. My oldest brother, John, is going through a divorce and so he brought a friend that happens to be a girl, to the reception. Well everyone was asking me who she was and I had no clue but two days later I had the chance to meet her. She was visiting John at my house when I got home from my second home and because it snowed pretty bad that night, she ended up staying the night and all the next day and left the day after that. Well it all started the second night she was staying over. My parents, me, Kelly Ann, and John were all sitting around the table when out of the blue she asks, so what do you guys believe in? That is a great question, because it means they really want to know. Well it was a good thing I was there to translate for Kelly Ann because sometimes adults and members alike can use big "MORMON" words that others don't understand. I had a Book of Mormon in my room that I had gotten on my mission and started marking in it all the places it talks about Christ and Heavenly Father. Also some of my other favorite scriptures. Well while on my mission, I just never felt like giving that one away, so I never did. Well I did that day. She started reading it and that is the last I had heard by the time I had to leave for Utah. I heard on Monday that she called the missionaries to take the lessons and I found out yesterday that she is getting baptized on Sunday. I am so excited. The Lord works in mysterious ways and I am just grateful that He trusts me enough to get involved. I love this Gospel!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


No I am not lost, I know I am in Utah, working as a janitor at Jordan Hills Elementary. I mean the TV show that starts the 21st of this month. It is the fifth season and apparently there is only going to be six seasons. Well I never got into the show on TV until I moved back to Utah after last summer. Tawnya had gotten addicted to it while being with her roommate and her family. When I moved back Tawnya introduce it to me and we started with season one trying to catch up to today. It has been an exciting adventure. We finished the third season before Christmas and Tawnya had reserved the fourth season at the library, but she got the fourth season for Christmas. So this past week I have been watching it with Tawnya's roommate, Shauna and her sister, Jenny. It has been fun but some really late nights. Last night we finished it at 2 in the morning. Totally worth it!!!! I know you probably think I am a loser, but now I am ready for the fifth season to start. The hardest part will be having to watch only one episode a week. :) Sorry people I am busy every Wednesday starting the 21st. :) Maybe you should try and get "LOST" too. :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Time to Return to Life

This Christmas break has been much needed. Nobody ever wants their vacation to end, but much to our chagrin, it always does. I have had lots of fun these past 10 days. I loved hanging out with my nieces and nephew, and also the Bators' entire family! I got home early on Christmas eve. For a few years now, Christmas Eve has been our family Christmas party where we just give out all our gifts so the grand kids can go home to santa. Everyone was there, including Shaley, (Howard's fiance at the time) and the missionaries, which has been a tradition for as long as I can remember. Howard got married on the 26th and it was a blast. There were a lot of people out for the party and it seemed like everyone had a great time. Tawnya was the DJ and helped everyone get their groove on. The 29th was a fun day cause I was able to go to Timberwolves game, which wasn't all that great, but they did win, so what else can you ask for. The one thing I would have changed was having Mad Dog Madsen play in the game, just for those of us who love LDS Professional sports players.

New Years Eve I spent it at my second home where we did fondue and a talent show. Then when people started to get tired, we had a dance party and it was a hoot! A hoot and a hollar! New Years day was spent watching the Rose parade and football! WAHOO! I spent the evening doing laundry, packing, and spending time with my parents. It was just my parents and me home, so we curled up in their bed and watched two movies that got us all bawling until almost 1am. Good Times had by all. Now it is time to drive back to Utah and get back into my real life where I try to make the best out of my whole situation. That situation being single, in a world all about MARRIAGE! Being single is not bad though, don't get me wrong. I love not being responsible for anyone else, but I wouldn't mind some change in my life. 2009 is all about change, so let's BRING IT ON! 2009=ALL ABOUT ME!