Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Idol/Getting out there!"

You are reading about the next "American Idol"!! Okay well not really, actually I am just the "West Jordan/Jordan Hills Idol" You see, there is this girl at school that teaches fourth grade, her name is Tiffany. She really wants to be BFF's with Tawnya and I, but we are working up to that part. So two Saturdays ago, we hung out together which made us "F's", a.k.a. Friends, but then she invited us to a Karaoke party on Friday where I was crowned the "Idol" of the night. It was so much fun, so needless to say, we are now "BF's" with Tiffany.

On Saturday I went to a movie night at friends house. He is from my ward and we watched "Ghostbusters". Apparently there is more than one because we watched the first one and I only knew about the second one. Anyway, it was pretty fun because the girl to guy ratio was great. there were three of us girls and eight guys. One girl and one guy were a couple, but it was fun just to sit and talk to everyone after the movie. We totally talked about the awkward moments at the end of dates and what guys and girls mean when they end the date. From guys, a hand shake is obviously a "no chance at a second date". Apparently, it is the girls responsibility to hug the guy if she is interested in another date, and never go 100% on a kiss, it is always 90/10, but you can decide who does which part.

The guys are going shooting this Saturday and invited all three of us girls to go with them. I think it could be fun, so I will probably go with them.


Nicole said...

That guy to girl ratio does sound promising. I think going shooting could be fun. You should go for it.

Linda said...

They invited you to go shooting and your thinking about it? With a ratio of 8 to 1 you better get yourself down to Wallmart and buy your self some "Camo" (in pink of course) Have fun!

Colliers said...

That does sound really fun. You should for sure go. Congratulations on being the "American Idol" too!

Fran said...

Alright Lauri, you have two great options... 1) American Idol, or 2) the next Annie Oakley!! Be careful and don't shoot any guys. See you soon.